Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dutch Bike Day in Calgary

Netherland's Style Mushroom

Dutch Bike?

Not Dutch Bike, but flowers make it Dutch?

The honoraries.

River of Orange

Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15?

January 15, 2010.
With high temps above zero all week and low temps within five degrees of zero, the challenge was on to wear shorts on my rides this week. Long legged pants in the morning, shorts on the ride home.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bike Crashes

Well the past week here in Canada has been flooded with news about the incident in Toronto involving a bike courier and a high profile former politico. Had the driver in this altercation involved Joe or Jane Normal, there very likely would have been a single column in the local newspapers with a follow-up report of the victim's identity. The only people that likely would have cared would be those in the cycling community especially those that face these dangers everyday.

With this being as high profile a case as it is now this may lead to more change in the respect that cyclists should get in their commute. I am not placing any blame on either combatant in this case. The cyclist was drunk and his judgment was impaired enough to hang on to a vehicle. The driver, likely fearing for his life, though there was only one way to try to avoid the incident and that was to try to "shake" the cyclist. Unfortunately, it led to the worst consequence of all.

The need for more safe, direct and accessible routes for cycling commuters to take to their daily tasks is becoming necessary in North America. By forcing cyclists to take the "long way" on a commute that is already extended by the fact that they are cycling anyways, causes cyclists to make some of the decisions they make.

Why should I as a cyclist have to ride down a narrow piece of dirt single track on my ride to work? Why can't there be a path or lane dedicated for other users that allows me to more enjoy my ride. I am sure if drivers in the city had to drive 1 or 2 kms everyday on their way to / from work on a non-maintained piece of roadway their would be an uproar. They would not put up with having to detour one or two blocks out of their way. Cyclists have to do this everyday. The ones that don't do this are called aggressive by the drivers and thus face, being pushed or squeezed in the lane.

I think the unfortunate circumstances in T.O. earlier this week could have been avoided. With some political will from all levels of government and to stand-up and recognize the growing demand for better cycling infrastructure maybe one day we can all share the road and help to bring more sustainability to our cities.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Today is for the birds.

On one of my favorite sites that I follow daily, there is lots of talk about a lady who saw a Comorant on her commute in this morning. She is probably correct based on this site.

Then there was talk about pelicans, but I saw a Blue Heron, in flight this evening on my ride home. I cannot be sure as it was flying away from me, but the long graceful flaps of its wings and the greyish blue tinge of it feathers makes me think that it was one. I wish I had my proper camera as I was only able to capture this with my cell phone.

It is amaizing the things that I see on my bike. I take this as a privelege to be able to experience these sights and witness nature at her best.
Had I been in my metal, plastic and glass enclosure, I would not have witnessed that bird today. I would have missed the playful gophers along my route. The ducklings adventuring further from their mother everyday now. The deer off in the distance, grazing and seemingly oblivious to the noise of the city only a few hundred meters away.
What an awesome ride!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Road versus bike path

The picture above is taken at 5:45PM today. Look at that traffic going nowhere! Most of the vehicles are single occupants. Meanwhile on the right side of the frame is the single track that I ride on. Clear sailing for me! I did not pass many of these vehicles because of taking the picture and putting the camera away, but I was being productive. Oh sure, some of the drivers were on the phone making plans, getting shopping lists together or whatever they were doing SITTING, WAITING.
Meanwhile, I hopped back on my bike and pedaled up the single track. No stoppages and no impatience as I was moving right along making progress towards home. Okay some of the people beat me home, but they were probably frustrated at the commute home. How do I know, because I was usually frustrated by waiting in traffic.
There is a better way! One day maybe they will shut down one lane in each direction on this road and allow a full bike lane, as is being considered in Vancouver.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Harvest Hills Second Cup

What the heck?
I gave up coffee for lent. Is that the reason that three weeks after Easter, Second Cup permanently closed the Harvest Hills location. The closest good coffee house to my home and it frickin' closed.
Nothing against the staff over the past year, but I guess I saw it coming. The cafe went from being a mature staff, which remained on weekdays, but the evening and weekend staff were all very young. I know as most of them are my daughters’ age. The service was always good, but I think they did not get trained by the new management propoerly as many of thier fancy drinks were not satisfactorily up to par, IE. cool or even cold steamers and lattes.
I am not a fancy drink buyer. I buy coffee. Not caps, lattes, espressos et al. Just coffee please Small, Medium or Large, depending on my mood or need for a mood! Not Tall, Grande or Vente, bullshit Star*ucks, but that's another post.
Oh I like proper coffee, pure blends, Sumatra, La Minita, Fazenda, San Agustin and Columbian. But just give me coffee. Maybe that's the problem, I did not take my girls enough. The wife and kids like tea lattes, steamers, smoothies and chillers. The expensive high margin stuff. My regular medium "that'll be $2.05 sir", I guess just did not cut it.
The search is on for a new close coffee house, besides Star*ucks. If I did want Star*ucks there is one closer than the former Second Cup and another only two blocks beyond that 2nd Cup. I drove / rode past them all the time. Good Earth in Creekside. I tried that by bike on Sunday. I could do it, but I shall not risk my life even for a good cup of coffee. Maybe when the pathway connections are completed later this year?
Methinks I will be riding a lot further for my coffee than I planned for the summer. Joshua Tree on Edmonton Trail. That little place near Eau Claire, sorry I cannot remember your name, but it looks soo good, small intimate, quaint and quiet. Holy crap, I will be seeing my buds at Cafe Artigiano on 3rd Street. I may have to drive.
I can't WIN.

Why I ride.

Many people ask me why I ride. "It's so much easier to just jump in the car, you can be there in a shorter time.", they say. Other's comment; "You get all sweaty and it's dangerous." "It's too cold, its' too hot, it's too dusty, it's too wet." All of these excuses not to ride.
It really is no big deal. So when I say that it really is no big deal, you just plan around the bike. I do not leave at the last minute for errands or work or play. I do not race or ride excessively fast. I ride to enjoy the ride. Soon I will be posting pics of sights I see on my rides. Sights that I would likely not see if I was driving, in fact some I would not see for sure.
My last gas fill up was mid March. I only drive when the distance is too distant. It may not be too distant one way, but the return trip, I know would be a bitch.
One day, when we do not need all that this current house offers, we will move closer to our needs. We are close to our needs now, but we have two teenage kids whose needs somehow have become our needs.

For more reasons....